In order to determine how and where to install a Ballast Water Treatment System on the target vessel, as well as the required characteristics of the system, a feasibility study needs to be conducted. This phase involves the collection and review of vessel documentation. No single system offers a perfect fit for all vessel types, and this review helps establish the vessel’s specific needs.
The survey report is the feasibility study and survey on board to verify available spaces and constraints. Onboard Survey is conducted with focus on following aspects:
Fresh Water & Compressed Air Demands
Electrical Power Demand
Sludge discharges
Electrical connections
Maintenance Space
Foundation and Structural Integration
Control System Integration

Replacement or new parts or structures are often manufactured off-site. To ensure the perfect fit, the existing structure is scanned and modeled to very high accuracy and used in the design and manufacture of new components or structures.
One misconception regarding 3D scanning is that the scanner does all the work and that what comes out of the scanner is a definitive model that shows everything you need. The point cloud is the raw data that needs to be designed into a viable 3D model. In many cases, the actual scanning activity is only a small part of the total project scope. Our company collaborates with naval companies and field specialists and offers high quality services for shipping companies in all European ports (Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, Malta, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, ...), Spanish ports (Valencia, Algeciras, Barcelona, Las Palmas, Bilbao, Santander, Tarragona, El Ferrol, Cartagena, Avilés ...) and North Africa